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1st July 2020, new financial year starts.

The General Skilled Migration (GSM) program for the 2019/20 financial year has now closed.

The State & Territory nomination program will remain temporarily CLOSED until the Commonwealth Government’s allocation of state nomination places for 2020-21 takes place. This means that State & Territory governments’ have no ability to nominate applicants in visa subclass 190 & visa subclass 491.

Although applications for some State and Territory nomination may remain open, during this time no nominations can be made in SkillSelect until quotas are allocated.

The GSM 2020/21 program year is scheduled to re-open from early August however, changes to the composition of the Australian Migration program might be made in October under the new budget. Due to the Coronavirus, the date for Federal Budget 2020-2021 has been delayed by the Federal Government – it will be handed down in Parliament on 6 October. The Federal Treasurer has advised that he will provide an update on the economic and fiscal outlook on 23 July.

We will provide any updates as changes occur.

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