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The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (StatsNZ) have recently completed an update of the ANZSCO catalogue. This review mainly focuses on skill levels assigned to occupations in ANZSCO.

The changes made to some occupations and unit groups intend to better reflect contemporary requirements in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets and include:

  • moving the indicative skill level up or down one level.
  • updating registration and licensing requirements.
  • updating specialisations, alternative titles and example occupation titles in Not Elsewhere Classified (nec) categories.
  • removal of instances of (Aus) or (NZ).

The new version of the ANZSCO catalogue is version 1.3 and was released on the 5th November 2019.

Anzscosearch has already incorporated these changes into its system and it is now fully up to date with the new version of the catalogue.

Although a review of the ANZSCO list has long been demanded, the Government has confirmed that this is not likely to occur before the 2021 census. The last review of the catalogue was undertaken in 2013.

Groups specifically calling for a review to the list in a recent Senate inquiry include:

  • The Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
  • Tourism Accommodation Australia
  • Universities Australia
  • The Law Council
  • Restaurant & Catering Australia
  • The National Farmers’ Federation

While the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recognises the need to undertake a full review of ANZSCO, there is also confirmation that this would be labour and resource intensive and would cost over $4 million.

What is ANZSCO?

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